
This blog is a part of my Personal Project for school. It's a compilation of recipes for various mild ailments with scientific evidence. They are labeled by ailment, difficulty, ingredient and region of origin.


These remedies are only to alleviate symptoms. If you are suffering from an illness which coughing is a part of, ask your physician for further guidance with treatment.

Remedy: Saltwater Gargle

Remedy: Turmeric Honey

Remedy: Garlic

1 comment:

  1. Ash, these classic age old remedies that true and tested are very helpful. They remind one to look at natural ways of treating common ailments. Thank you.

    I have one to add to your collection for colds:

    Don't use any substitutes..

    3 oz. lemon juice
    3 oz. maple syrup
    l/8 tsp. cayenne pepper
    5 cups water
    boil and drink hot for sore throats and throat ailments. Take it to work to use during conferences
