
This blog is a part of my Personal Project for school. It's a compilation of recipes for various mild ailments with scientific evidence. They are labeled by ailment, difficulty, ingredient and region of origin.

Saturday, 28 September 2013

Insect Bite Remedy: Banana Peel

Photo Credit: Darwin Bell 
  • 1 Banana Peel


  1. Clean the are affected with water or rubbing alcohol
  2.  Take the banana peel and rub the inner pulpy part of it against your insect bite for a few minutes.
  3.  Use when bites become red and itchy

Why it works

The inside of a banana peel contains many oils that have substance that can help heal the itchiness and inflammation of the insect bite. The main ingredient in that helps the bites is potassium. The potassium helps give immediate relief to the itchiness and it also helps reduce redness and inflammation. Since bananas are rich in potassium, they help heal insect bites.

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