
This blog is a part of my Personal Project for school. It's a compilation of recipes for various mild ailments with scientific evidence. They are labeled by ailment, difficulty, ingredient and region of origin.

Saturday, 28 September 2013

Digestion and Nausea Remedy: Lemon Juice

Photo Credit: Colin Wu 
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 glass of hot water

  1. Slice the lemon
  2. Squeeze the juice into the glass of water
  3. Sip the drink until you feel better 
  4. You can also just suck the juice directly from the lemon 

Why it works

Lemon juice contains neutralizing acid. This acid creates bicarbonates which help the stomach digest food properly. It also cleanses the digestive tract. The juice increases the production of saliva in your body which prevents bad breath and relieves nausea. Lemon contain multiple vitamins, riboflavins and minerals that are good for health. Hot water helps flush out the toxins in the body. 

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