
This blog is a part of my Personal Project for school. It's a compilation of recipes for various mild ailments with scientific evidence. They are labeled by ailment, difficulty, ingredient and region of origin.

Saturday, 28 September 2013

Digestion and Nausea Remedy: Fennel Seeds

Photo Credit: zoyachubby 

  • 1 tsp of fresh dry fennel seeds


  1. Chew the seeds as is or add it to your salad or other meals 
  2. Use this remedy once a day or when experiencing indigestion

Why this works

Fennel is able to relax the muscles in the intestines and aid digestion. It contains an oil called anethole which helps the production of digestive juices and gastric juices which help break down the food. Fennel also contains properties that reduces inflammation in the stomach. It also contains a chemical called aspartic acid which helps gas. Fennel is rich in fiber so it helps constipation as well. This household ingredient contains anti-bacterial properties and amino acids that help digestion. All the properties of fennel help cure stomach aches, prevent bad breath and aid with digestion.

Caution: In excess, fennel can quicken menstruation in women. In great doses it can cause intoxication.

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