
This blog is a part of my Personal Project for school. It's a compilation of recipes for various mild ailments with scientific evidence. They are labeled by ailment, difficulty, ingredient and region of origin.

Saturday, 28 September 2013

Chapped Lips Remedy: Sliced Cucumber Rub

Photo Credit:
  • 1 Cucumber

  1. Slice the cucumber
  2. Take one slice of cucumber and gently rub it on your lips so that the juice deposits itself on your lips 
  3. Leave it on for 15-20 minutes and then rinse your lips with normal water 
  4. Do this several times a day to heal your chapped lips

Why this works:

Cucumbers contain vitamin C and absorbic acid.  This quickens collagen production. Collagen makes your lips smoother and fuller. Since cucumbers are also 90% water it keeps your lips hydrated. They also contain a substance called caffeic acid which protects your lips from sun damage.

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